
Tamkang Journal of International Affairs


SUITABLE for publication

SUITABLE for publication after revision

CAN ONLY BE PUBLISHED after referee’s opinion determining whether the author revised the article according to suggestions made here

NOT SUITABLE for publication

SUITABLE for publication

Accepted for publication

Accepted for publication after revision

Review by the original reviewer after revision

Review by a third reviewer after revision

SUITABLE for publication after revision

Accepted for publication after revision

Accepted for publication after revision

Review by the original reviewer after revision

Review by a third reviewer after revision

CAN ONLY BE PUBLISHED after referee’s opinion determining whether the author revised the article according to suggestions made here

Review by original reviewer after revision

Review by original reviewer after revision

Review by the original reviewer after revision

Not Accepted for Publication

NOT SUITABLE for publication

Review by a third reviewer after revision

Review by a third reviewer after revision

Not Accepted for Publication

Not Accepted for Publication

l   本刊為英文期刊,來稿請用電腦打字,並以Times New Roman字體12級字大小之微軟Word文件編排。篇幅以7,00012,000字為度。包括本文、圖表、註解、以及參考書目。
l   來稿引註請採用頁下註,並附上完整之參考書目,具體格式請參考最新版「淡江國際研究英文期刊論文格式」(Tamkang Journal of International Affairs Style Guide)的「註解與參考書目格式」(the Notes and Bibliography system)。
l   來稿請依文章主旨與內容附上300至500字之摘要,以及五個關鍵詞。
l   來稿首頁請註明文章標題、作者姓名與現職,並附上約150字之作者簡介,包含主要學經歷、研究專長、出版著作以及個人電子郵件信箱等資訊。
l   請作者自留底稿,來稿未刊登者,本刊恕不退件。來稿一經刊載,將致贈作者當期季刊二冊。